The Ultimate Vanilla Repack This as a complete repack of the open source Light's Hope emulator, with all of its features, including movement maps, anti-cheat protection, multi-language support, progression system, and even an optional custom mall located on gm island made by me. This project is a continuation of the Elysium/Nostalrius server cores and is actively developed. The full download link comes with all maps already extracted, to save you the 8+ hours it takes for the mmaps. Know that you need a decent computer to run this, especially if you choose to enable preloading of maps. I plan on updating the repack monthly, so keep checking the thread if you want to be up to date with any new bug fixes. Repack Features: - Anti-Cheat - Player bots - Progression - Custom vendors - All localized DBCs - Registration page - Maps, VMaps, MMaps Supported client versions: - 1.12.1 - 1.11.2 - 1.10.2 - 1.9.4 - 1.8.4 - 1.7.1 Instructions to run the server: 1. Open the batch file "Start MySQL.bat" 2. Start the login server "realmd.exe" 3. Start the game server "mangosd.exe" You can login with admin/admin or you can make a new gm account with these commands: account create account set gmlevel 6 The repack comes with multiple sets of binaries that you may switch between, depending on what client version you want to play with, or whether you want to run it on a x86 or x64 version of Windows. It is recommended that you use the 64-bit versions, as the server uses quite a bit of RAM, and hitting the 4GB memory limit for 32-bit processes is inevitable with more than a dozen players online. Remember to change your realmlist to in order to connect to the server. If you want other people to be able to join your server, then you need to go to the database and change the realm's ip address to you real one. It is located in the realmd->realmlist table. The most attractive feature of this emulator is that it supports content progression, so if you want to restrict in-game content to that of an earlier patch, simply open the mangosd config file and change the WowPatch setting. It affects things like item stats, quest availability, creature spawns, battleground rewards and some mechanics. Real client progression is also a thing now! Only a few versions are currently supported, but this way you are be able to play with old talents and spell versions! There are also custom vendors and trainers included in the repack that will make it easier for you to gear up new characters and train all your spells including those from class quests. To spawn them, you need to execute the file "Custom-GM_ISLAND_VENDORS.sql" located in "sql/custom" on the "mangos" database using either a MySQL client program like HeidiSQL, or the batch script provided for your convenience. Use the credentials root/root to connect to the MySQL database. bing fanyi 这是开源Light's Hope模拟器的完整重新包装,具有其所有功能,包括运动地图,反作弊保护,多语言支持,进度系统,甚至是位于GM岛上的可选自定义购物中心。该项目是Elysium/Nostalrius服务器核心的延续,正在积极开发中。完整的下载链接附带了所有已提取的地图,以节省您的mmaps所需的8个多小时。要知道,你需要一台像样的计算机来运行它,特别是如果你选择启用地图的预加载。我计划每月更新一次重新打包,因此,如果您想了解最新的错误修复,请继续检查线程。 重新打包功能: - 防作弊 - 玩家机器人 - 进度 - 自定义供应商 - 所有本地化的 DBC - 注册页面 - 地图、VMaps、MMaps 支持的客户端版本: - 1.12.1 - 1.11.2 - 1.10.2 - 1.9.4 - 1.8.4 - 1.7.1 运行服务器的说明: 1。打开批处理文件“启动MySQL.bat” 2.启动登录服务器“领域.exe” 3.启动游戏服务器“mangosd.exe” 您可以使用管理员/管理员登录,也可以使用以下命令创建新的gm帐户: 帐户创建 帐户集gmlevel 6 重新打包了多组二进制文件,您可以根据要玩的客户端版本在它们之间切换, 或者您是否要在 x86 或 x64 版本的 Windows 上运行它。建议您使用64位版本,因为服务器使用相当多的RAM,并且在十几个玩家在线的情况下,达到32位进程的4GB内存限制是不可避免的。请记住将 realmlist 更改为 以便连接到服务器。如果您希望其他人能够加入您的服务器,那么您需要转到数据库并将领域的IP地址更改为您的真实IP地址。它位于 realmd->realmlist 表中。 此模拟器最吸引人的功能是它支持内容进度,因此,如果要将游戏内内容限制为早期补丁的内容,只需打开mangosd配置文件并更改WowPatch设置即可。它会影响物品属性、任务可用性、生物生成、战场奖励和一些机制。真正的客户进步现在也是一件事情!目前只支持少数几个版本,但这样你就可以玩旧天赋和法术版本了! 重新包装中还包括自定义供应商和训练师,这将使您更轻松地装备新角色并训练所有法术,包括职业任务中的法术。要生成它们,您需要使用MySQL客户端程序(如HeidiSQL)或为方便起见而提供的批处理脚本,在“mangos”数据库上执行位于“sql/custom”中的“Custom-GM_ISLAND_VENDORS.sql”文件。使用凭证根/根连接到MySQL数据库。 关于最新Light's Hope Vanilla Repack 18 机器人使用方法: 第一种 PVE机器人 .partybot add warrior 添加战士机器人 .partybot add priest 添加牧师机器人 .partybot add mage 添加法师机器人 .partybot add druid 添加德鲁伊机器人 .partybot add rogue 添加盗贼机器人 .partybot add warlock 添加术士机器人 .partybot add paladin 添加圣骑士机器人 .partybot add shaman 添加萨满祭司机器人 .partybot add hunter 添加猎人机器人 .partybot add dps 添加输出机器人 .partybot add healer 添加治疗机器人 .partybot add tank 添加坦克机器人 .partybot clone 克隆目标机器人 .partybot setrole dps/tank/healer 设置机器人角色为dps/tank/healer .partybot remove 移除机器人 .partybot add mage 50 mage是法师 50是等级 .party add tank 召唤MT .party add healer 召唤疗 .party add dps 召唤DPS 什么,召唤出来没装备 .char premade gear tank-phase6-bis 给他MT装备(毕业装) .char premade spec tank-phase6-bis 给他MT天赋 .char premade gear heal-phase6-bis 给他治疗装备(毕业装) .char premade spec heal-phase6-bis 给他治疗天赋 .char premade gear dps-phase6-bis 给他DPS装备(毕业装) .char premade spec dps-phase6-bis 给他DPS天赋 .char premade gear dps-phase6-bis 里phase6换成preraid ,装备就是蓝绿装 辅助命令: .party attackstart 机器人攻击你当前目标 .party attackstop 机器人停止攻击 .party cometome 机器人向我靠拢 还可以自己建一个人,自己配好装备,天赋,双开一个号,选中你建的这个人 .party clone 就可以复制一个机器人跟你建的那个人一样装备和天赋了。 第二种 PVP机器人 .go arathi 玩家排阿拉希 .go warsong 玩家排战歌 .go alterac 玩家排奥山 .battlebot add arathi horde 阿拉希增加部落机器人排队 .battlebot add arathi alliance 阿拉希增加联盟机器人排队 .battlebot add warsong horde 战歌增加部落排队 .battlebot add warsong alliance 战歌增加联盟排队 .battlebot add alterac horde 奥山增加部落排队 .battlebot add alterac alliance 奥山增加联盟排队