# Software Configuration File # --------------------------- # # You may edit this file when the VPN Server / Client / Bridge program is not running. # # In prior to edit this file manually by your text editor, # shutdown the VPN Server / Client / Bridge background service. # Otherwise, all changes will be lost. # declare root { uint ConfigRevision 0 bool IPsecMessageDisplayed true string Region $ bool VgsMessageDisplayed false declare DDnsClient { bool Disabled true } declare IPsec { bool EtherIP_IPsec false string IPsec_Secret vpn string L2TP_DefaultHub DEFAULT bool L2TP_IPsec false bool L2TP_Raw false declare EtherIP_IDSettingsList { } } declare ListenerList { declare Listener0 { bool DisableDos false bool Enabled true uint Port 5555 } } declare LocalBridgeList { bool DoNotDisableOffloading false } declare ServerConfiguration { bool AcceptOnlyTls true uint64 AutoDeleteCheckDiskFreeSpaceMin 104857600 uint AutoDeleteCheckIntervalSecs 300 uint AutoSaveConfigSpan 300 bool BackupConfigOnlyWhenModified false string CipherName AES128-GCM-SHA256 bool DisableCoreDumpOnUnix false bool DisableDeadLockCheck false bool DisableDosProction false bool DisableGetHostNameWhenAcceptTcp false bool DisableIntelAesAcceleration false bool DisableIPsecAggressiveMode false bool DisableIPv6Listener true bool DisableJsonRpcWebApi true bool DisableNatTraversal false bool DisableOpenVPNServer true bool DisableSessionReconnect false bool DisableSSTPServer true bool DontBackupConfig true bool EnableVpnOverDns false bool EnableVpnOverIcmp false byte HashedPassword UGTVAqbtJObBO6LCJaQZyEby2pg= string KeepConnectHost uint KeepConnectInterval 50 uint KeepConnectPort 80 uint KeepConnectProtocol 1 uint64 LoggerMaxLogSize 1073741823 uint MaxConcurrentDnsClientThreads 512 uint MaxConnectionsPerIP 256 uint MaxUnestablishedConnections 1000 bool NoHighPriorityProcess false bool NoLinuxArpFilter false bool NoSendSignature false string OpenVPNDefaultClientOption dev-type$20tun,link-mtu$201500,tun-mtu$201500,cipher$20AES-128-CBC,auth$20SHA1,keysize$20128,key-method$202,tls-client string OpenVPN_UdpPortList 1194 bool SaveDebugLog false uint ServerLogSwitchType 4 uint ServerType 0 bool StrictSyslogDatetimeFormat false bool Tls_Disable1_0 false bool Tls_Disable1_1 false bool Tls_Disable1_2 false bool Tls_Disable1_3 false bool UseKeepConnect false bool UseWebTimePage false bool UseWebUI false declare GlobalParams { uint FIFO_BUDGET 10240000 uint HUB_ARP_SEND_INTERVAL 5000 uint IP_TABLE_EXPIRE_TIME 60000 uint IP_TABLE_EXPIRE_TIME_DHCP 300000 uint MAC_TABLE_EXPIRE_TIME 600000 uint MAX_BUFFERING_PACKET_SIZE 2560000 uint MAX_HUB_LINKS 1024 uint MAX_IP_TABLES 65536 uint MAX_MAC_TABLES 65536 uint MAX_SEND_SOCKET_QUEUE_NUM 128 uint MAX_SEND_SOCKET_QUEUE_SIZE 2560000 uint MAX_STORED_QUEUE_NUM 1024 uint MEM_FIFO_REALLOC_MEM_SIZE 655360 uint MIN_SEND_SOCKET_QUEUE_SIZE 320000 uint QUEUE_BUDGET 2048 uint SELECT_TIME 256 uint SELECT_TIME_FOR_NAT 30 uint STORM_CHECK_SPAN 500 uint STORM_DISCARD_VALUE_END 1024 uint STORM_DISCARD_VALUE_START 3 } declare ServerTraffic { } declare SyslogSettings { string HostName $ uint Port 514 uint SaveType 0 } } declare VirtualHUB { declare DEFAULT { uint64 CreatedTime 0 byte HashedPassword UGTVAqbtJObBO6LCJaQZyEby2pg= uint64 LastCommTime 0 uint64 LastLoginTime 0 uint NumLogin 0 bool Online true bool RadiusConvertAllMsChapv2AuthRequestToEap false string RadiusRealm $ uint RadiusRetryInterval 0 uint RadiusServerPort 1812 string RadiusSuffixFilter $ bool RadiusUsePeapInsteadOfEap false uint Type 0 declare AccessList { declare 1 { bool Active true bool CheckDstMac false bool CheckSrcMac false bool CheckTcpState false uint Delay 0 string DestIpAddress uint DestPortEnd 0 uint DestPortStart 0 string DestSubnetMask string DestUsername $ bool Discard false bool Established false bool IsIPv6 false uint Jitter 0 uint Loss 0 string Note $ uint Priority 1000 uint Protocol 0 string RedirectUrl $ string SrcIpAddress uint SrcPortEnd 0 uint SrcPortStart 0 string SrcSubnetMask string SrcUsername $ } } declare AdminOption { uint allow_hub_admin_change_option 0 uint deny_bridge 0 uint deny_change_user_password 0 uint deny_empty_password 0 uint deny_hub_admin_change_ext_option 0 uint deny_qos 0 uint deny_routing 0 uint max_accesslists 0 uint max_bitrates_download 0 uint max_bitrates_upload 0 uint max_groups 0 uint max_multilogins_per_user 0 uint max_sessions 0 uint max_sessions_bridge 0 uint max_sessions_client 0 uint max_sessions_client_bridge_apply 0 uint max_users 0 uint no_access_list_include_file 0 uint no_cascade 0 uint no_change_access_control_list 0 uint no_change_access_list 0 uint no_change_admin_password 0 uint no_change_cert_list 0 uint no_change_crl_list 0 uint no_change_groups 0 uint no_change_log_config 0 uint no_change_log_switch_type 0 uint no_change_msg 0 uint no_change_users 0 uint no_delay_jitter_packet_loss 0 uint no_delete_iptable 0 uint no_delete_mactable 0 uint no_disconnect_session 0 uint no_enum_session 0 uint no_offline 0 uint no_online 0 uint no_query_session 0 uint no_read_log_file 0 uint no_securenat 0 uint no_securenat_enabledhcp 0 uint no_securenat_enablenat 0 } declare CascadeList { } declare LogSetting { uint PacketLogSwitchType 4 uint PACKET_LOG_ARP 0 uint PACKET_LOG_DHCP 1 uint PACKET_LOG_ETHERNET 0 uint PACKET_LOG_ICMP 0 uint PACKET_LOG_IP 0 uint PACKET_LOG_TCP 0 uint PACKET_LOG_TCP_CONN 1 uint PACKET_LOG_UDP 0 bool SavePacketLog false bool SaveSecurityLog true uint SecurityLogSwitchType 4 } declare Message { } declare Option { uint AccessListIncludeFileCacheLifetime 30 uint AdjustTcpMssValue 0 bool ApplyIPv4AccessListOnArpPacket false bool AssignVLanIdByRadiusAttribute false bool BroadcastLimiterStrictMode false uint BroadcastStormDetectionThreshold 0 uint ClientMinimumRequiredBuild 0 bool DenyAllRadiusLoginWithNoVlanAssign false uint DetectDormantSessionInterval 0 bool DisableAdjustTcpMss false bool DisableCheckMacOnLocalBridge false bool DisableCorrectIpOffloadChecksum false bool DisableHttpParsing false bool DisableIPParsing false bool DisableIpRawModeSecureNAT false bool DisableKernelModeSecureNAT false bool DisableUdpAcceleration false bool DisableUdpFilterForLocalBridgeNic false bool DisableUserModeSecureNAT false bool DoNotSaveHeavySecurityLogs false bool DropArpInPrivacyFilterMode true bool DropBroadcastsInPrivacyFilterMode true bool FilterBPDU false bool FilterIPv4 false bool FilterIPv6 false bool FilterNonIP false bool FilterOSPF false bool FilterPPPoE false uint FloodingSendQueueBufferQuota 33554432 bool ManageOnlyLocalUnicastIPv6 true bool ManageOnlyPrivateIP true uint MaxLoggedPacketsPerMinute 0 uint MaxSession 0 bool NoArpPolling false bool NoDhcpPacketLogOutsideHub true bool NoEnum false bool NoIpTable false bool NoIPv4PacketLog false bool NoIPv6AddrPolling false bool NoIPv6DefaultRouterInRAWhenIPv6 true bool NoIPv6PacketLog false bool NoLookBPDUBridgeId false bool NoMacAddressLog true bool NoManageVlanId false bool NoPhysicalIPOnPacketLog false bool NoSpinLockForPacketDelay false bool RemoveDefGwOnDhcpForLocalhost true uint RequiredClientId 0 uint SecureNAT_MaxDnsSessionsPerIp 0 uint SecureNAT_MaxIcmpSessionsPerIp 0 uint SecureNAT_MaxTcpSessionsPerIp 0 uint SecureNAT_MaxTcpSynSentPerIp 0 uint SecureNAT_MaxUdpSessionsPerIp 0 bool SecureNAT_RandomizeAssignIp false bool SuppressClientUpdateNotification false bool UseHubNameAsDhcpUserClassOption false bool UseHubNameAsRadiusNasId false string VlanTypeId 0x8100 bool YieldAfterStorePacket false } declare SecureNAT { bool Disabled false bool SaveLog false declare VirtualDhcpServer { string DhcpDnsServerAddress string DhcpDnsServerAddress2 string DhcpDomainName $ bool DhcpEnabled true uint DhcpExpireTimeSpan 7200 string DhcpGatewayAddress string DhcpLeaseIPEnd string DhcpLeaseIPStart string DhcpPushRoutes $ string DhcpSubnetMask } declare VirtualHost { string VirtualHostIp string VirtualHostIpSubnetMask } declare VirtualRouter { bool NatEnabled true uint NatMtu 1500 uint NatTcpTimeout 600 uint NatUdpTimeout 60 } } declare SecurityAccountDatabase { declare CertList { } declare CrlList { } declare GroupList { } declare IPAccessControlList { } declare UserList { } } declare Traffic { } } } declare VirtualLayer3SwitchList { } }