# Debian Network Reinstall Script [General description in English ↓](#introduction) ## VPS 网络重装 Debian 11 脚本 **暂不支持 Oracle Linux 作为原系统。创建新机器时请选择 Ubuntu 20.04 或 18.04 系统模板。** 下载脚本: ``` curl -fLO && chmod a+rx ``` 运行脚本: ``` sudo ./ --cdn --network-console --ethx --bbr --user root --password <新系统用户密码> ``` * `--bbr` 开启 BBR * `--ethx` 网卡名称使用传统形式,如 `eth0` 而不是 `ens3` * `--cloud-kernel` 安装占用空间较小的 `cloud` 内核,但可能会导致 UEFI 启动的机器(如 Oracle、Azure 及 Hyper-V、Google Cloud 等)VNC 黑屏。BIOS 启动的普通 VPS 则没有此问题。 * 默认时区为 UTC,添加 `--timezone Asia/Shanghai` 可使用中国时区。 * 默认使用 Debian 官方 CDN 镜像源(,添加 `--china` 可使用阿里云镜像源。 如果没有报错可以重启: ``` sudo shutdown -r now ``` 约 30 秒后可以尝试 SSH 登录 `installer` 用户,密码与之前设置的相同。如果成功连接,可以按 Ctrl-A 然后再按 4 监控安装日志。安装完成后会自动重启进入新系统。 ### [Oracle 自动获取 IPv6]( ### [Oracle 纯 IPv6 网络(无公网 IPv4)下安装方法]( ## Introduction This script is written to reinstall a VPS/virtual machine to minimal Debian 11. ## Should Work On ### Virtualization Platform * SolusVM/OpenStack/DigitalOcean/Vultr/Linode/Proxmox/QEMU KVM (BIOS boot) * Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (UEFI boot) * Google Cloud Compute Engine (**Must manually configure the VPC internal IP and the gateway.** UEFI boot with Secure Boot support) * AWS EC2 & Lightsail (BIOS boot) * Hyper-V & Azure (Generation 1 BIOS boot & Generation 2 UEFI boot) ### Original OS * Debian 8 or later * Ubuntu 14.04 or later * CentOS 7 or later ## How It Works 1. Generate a preseed file to automate installation 2. Download the 'Debian-Installer' to the `/boot` directory 3. Append a menu entry of the installer to the GRUB2 configuration file ## Usage ### 1. Download Download the script with curl: curl -fLO # for IPv6-only machines curl -fLO --resolve '' or wget: wget -O ### 2. Run Run the script under root or using sudo: chmod a+rx sudo ./ By default, an admin user `debian` with sudo privilege will be created during the installation. Use `--user root` if you prefer. ### 3. Reboot If everything looks good, reboot the machine: sudo shutdown -r now Otherwise, you can run this command to revert all changes made by the script: sudo rm -rf /etc/default/grub.d/zz-debi.cfg /boot/debian-* && { sudo update-grub || sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg; } ## Available Options * `--ip ` Disable the auto network config (DHCP) and configure a static IP address, e.g. ``, ``, `2001:2345:6789:abcd::ef/48` * `--netmask ` e.g. ``, `ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::` * `--gateway ` e.g. ``, `none` if no gateway * `--dns ''` (Default IPv6 DNS: `2001:4860:4860::8888 2001:4860:4860::8844`) * `--hostname ` FQDN hostname (includes the domain name), e.g. `` * `--network-console` Enable the network console of the installer. `ssh installer@ip` to connect * `--version 11` Supports: `9`, `10`, `11`, `12` * `--suite bullseye` **For normal cases, please use `--version` instead.** e.g. `stable`, `testing`, `sid` * `--release-d-i` d-i (Debian Installer) for the released versions: 11 (bullseye), 10 (buster) and 9 (stretch) * `--daily-d-i` Use latest daily build of d-i (Debian Installer) for the unreleased version: 12 (bookworm), sid (unstable) * `--mirror-protocol http` or `https` or `ftp` * `--https` alias to `--mirror-protocol https` * `--reuse-proxy` Reuse the value of `http(s)_proxy` environment variable as the mirror proxy * `--proxy, --mirror-proxy` Set an HTTP proxy for APT and downloads * `--mirror-host` * `--mirror-directory /debian` * `--security-repository` Magic value: `'mirror' = :////../debian-security` * `--no-account-setup, --no-user` **(Manual installation)** Proceed account setup manually in VNC or remote console. * `--username, --user debian` New user with `sudo` privilege or `root` * `--password ` Password of the new user. **You'll be prompted if you choose to not specify it here** * `--authorized-keys-url ` URL to your authorized keys for SSH authentication. e.g. `` * `--sudo-with-password` Require password when the user invokes `sudo` command * `--timezone UTC` e.g. `Asia/Shanghai` for China (UTC+8) * `--ntp` * `--no-disk-partitioning, --no-part` **(Manual installation)** Proceed disk partitioning manually in VNC or remote console * `--disk ` Manually select a disk for installation. **Please remember to specify this when more than one disk is available!** e.g. `/dev/sda` * `--no-force-gpt` By default, GPT rather than MBR partition table will be created. This option disables it. * `--bios` Don't create *EFI system partition*. If GPT is being used, create a *BIOS boot partition* (`bios_grub` partition). Default if `/sys/firmware/efi` is absent. [See]( * `--efi` Create an *EFI system partition*. Default if `/sys/firmware/efi` exists * `--filesystem ext4` * `--kernel ` Choose an package for the kernel image * `--cloud-kernel` Choose `linux-image-cloud-amd64` or `...arm64` as the kernel image * `--bpo-kernel` Choose the kernel image from Debian Backports (newer version from the next Debian release) * `--no-install-recommends` * `--install 'ca-certificates libpam-systemd'` Install additional APT packages. Space-separated and quoted. * `--safe-upgrade` **(Default)** `apt upgrade --with-new-pkgs`. [See]( * `--full-upgrade` `apt dist-upgrade` * `--no-upgrade` * `--ethx` Disable *Consistent Network Device Naming* to get interface names like *ethX* back * `--bbr` Enable TCP BBR congestion control * `--hold` Don't reboot or power off after installation * `--power-off` Power off after installation rather than reboot * `--architecture ` e.g. `amd64`, `i386`, `arm64`, `armhf`, etc. * `--boot-directory ` Automatically set to `/` if there is an individual boot partition otherwise set to `/boot`. You can try to treak this if needed (for example setting subvolume for btrfs) * `--firmware` Load additional [non-free firmwares]( * `--no-force-efi-extra-removable` [See]( * `--grub-timeout 5` How many seconds the GRUB menu shows before entering the installer * `--dry-run` Print generated preseed and GRUB entry without downloading the installer and actually saving them ### Presets ### `--cdn` * `--mirror-protocol https` * `--mirror-host` * `--security-repository mirror` ### `--aws` * `--mirror-protocol https` * `--mirror-host` * `--security-repository mirror` ### `--china` * `--dns ''` * `--mirror-protocol https` * `--mirror-host` * `--security-repository mirror` * `--ntp`