/* Copyright 2021 FXcoder This file is part of VP. VP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. VP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with VP. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ // VP calculator. © FXcoder #property strict #include "../bsl.mqh" #include "../s.mqh" #include "../enum/applied_volume.mqh" #include "../enum/quantile.mqh" #include "enum/vp_bar_ticks.mqh" #include "enum/vp_source.mqh" #include "enum/vp_tick_price.mqh" #include "vp_data_params.mqh" #include "vp_histogram.mqh" class CVPCalc { protected: const CVPDataParams data_; const double point_; const double point_inverse_; // inverse for faster calculation const ENUM_VP_TICK_PRICE tick_price_type_; const int tick_flags_; double quantiles_[]; int quantiles_count_; public: _GETREF(const CVPDataParams*, data) void CVPCalc( const CVPDataParams &data, double point, ENUM_VP_TICK_PRICE tick_price_type, int tick_flags, ENUM_QUANTILE quantiles ): data_(data), point_(point), point_inverse_(point == 0 ? _math.nan : (1.0 / point)), tick_price_type_(tick_price_type), tick_flags_(tick_flags) { quantiles_count_ = EnumQuantileToArray(quantiles, quantiles_); } bool get_tick_price(const MqlTick &tick, double &tick_price) const { if ((tick_flags_ & tick.flags) == 0) return(false); switch (tick_price_type_) { case VP_TICK_PRICE_BID: tick_price = tick.bid; break; case VP_TICK_PRICE_ASK: tick_price = tick.ask; break; case VP_TICK_PRICE_LAST: tick_price = tick.last; break; case VP_TICK_PRICE_AVG: tick_price = (tick.bid + tick.ask) / 2.0; break; case VP_TICK_PRICE_LAST_OR_AVG: if (tick.last != 0) tick_price = tick.last; else tick_price = (tick.bid + tick.ask) / 2.0; break; default: return(false); } return(true); } /** Get (calculate) histogram by ticks. [time_from..time_to) Result: -1: loading error / no ticks in history 0: no filtered ticks >0: number of bars in result histogram */ int get_hg_by_ticks(datetime time_from, datetime time_to, double &low, double &volumes[]) const { #ifdef __MQL4__ // No tick data in MT4 return(0); #else _err.reset(); const long time_from_ms = time_from * 1000; const long time_to_ms = time_to * 1000; // COPY_TICKS_ALL because (from MQL's help) "Call of CopyTicks() with the COPY_TICKS_ALL ... in other modes ... do not provide significant speed advantage.". MqlTick ticks[]; int tick_count = CopyTicksRange(_Symbol, ticks, COPY_TICKS_ALL, time_from_ms, time_to_ms - 1); if (tick_count <= 0) PRINT_RETURN("CopyTicksRange<=0" + VAR(tick_count) + VAR(time_from) + VAR(time_to), -1); // First pass: determine the minimum and maximum, the size of the histogram array. // The prices are supposed to be positive. int positions[]; ArrayResize(positions, tick_count); ArrayInitialize(positions, -1); int pos_max = INT_MIN; int pos_min = INT_MAX; int hg_size = 0; { for (int i = 0; i < tick_count; i++) { // Sometimes obtained ticks are outside the specified range (due to error in the data on the server, for example). // In this case, trim the excess. The array itself can be left unchanged; just specify the number of correct ticks. // It is assumed that there is no problem of leaving the left border. if (ticks[i].time_msc > time_to_ms - 1) { tick_count = i; break; } double tick_price; if (!get_tick_price(ticks[i], tick_price)) continue; const int pos = price_to_points(tick_price); positions[i] = pos; if (pos < pos_min) pos_min = pos; if (pos > pos_max) pos_max = pos; } if ((pos_min == INT_MAX) || (pos_max == INT_MIN)) return(0); // lowest price level and number of bars low = pos_min * point_; hg_size = pos_max - pos_min + 1; } // Collect all ticks in one histogram. { ArrayResize(volumes, hg_size); ArrayInitialize(volumes, 0.0); double total_volume = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < tick_count; i++) { const int pos = positions[i]; if (pos < 0) continue; const int pri = pos - pos_min; // If you need a real volume, take it from the tick information. // If you need tick volume, then it is enough to take into account each tick exactly once. if (data_.volume_type == VOLUME_REAL) { total_volume += ticks[i].volume_real; volumes[pri] += ticks[i].volume_real; } else { volumes[pri]++; } } // The broker may not give real volumes for the instrument. if ((data_.volume_type == VOLUME_REAL) && (total_volume == 0.0)) return(0); } return(hg_size); #endif } // Get (calculate) the histogram using bars. // Returns -1 on history load error. int get_hg(datetime time_from, datetime time_to, double &low, double &volumes[], bool debug = false) const { _err.reset(); // Get calculation timeframe bars (usually M1). MqlRates rates[]; CBSeries data_ser(_Symbol, data_.period); const int rate_count = data_ser.copy_rates(time_from, time_to, rates); if (rate_count <= 0) return(rate_count); //hack: непонятный баг с запросом вне истории, отдаётся один бар вне запрашиваемой истории if ((rate_count == 1) && (rates[0].time > time_to)) PRINT_RETURN(VAR(rate_count) + " || time...", -1); // Determine the minimum and maximum, the size of the histogram array. int low_index, high_index, hg_size; { low_index = price_to_points(rates[0].low); high_index = price_to_points(rates[0].high); for (int i = 1; i < rate_count; i++) { const int rate_low_index = price_to_points(rates[i].low); if (rate_low_index < low_index) low_index = rate_low_index; const int rate_high_index = price_to_points(rates[i].high); if (rate_high_index > high_index) high_index = rate_high_index; } low = points_to_price(low_index); hg_size = high_index - low_index + 1; // количество цен в гистограмме } // Collect all ticks in one histogram. { const ENUM_VP_BAR_TICKS bar_ticks = data_.bar_ticks; const ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME volume_type = data_.volume_type; ArrayResize(volumes, hg_size); ArrayInitialize(volumes, 0); double tmp_hg[]; if (EnumVPBarTicksIsUsingTempArray(bar_ticks)) ArrayResize(tmp_hg, hg_size); for (int i = 0; i < rate_count; i++) { const MqlRates rate = rates[i]; // for speed (tested) const double v = (double)(volume_type == VOLUME_REAL ? rate.real_volume : rate.tick_volume); const int hi = price_to_points(rate.high) - low_index; const int li = price_to_points(rate.low) - low_index; const int n = hi - li + 1; ASSERT_RETURN(n > 0, 0); if (bar_ticks == VP_BAR_TICKS_OHLC) { // relative indexes const int oi = price_to_points(rate.open) - low_index; const int ci = price_to_points(rate.close) - low_index; // Tick imitation if (ci >= oi) { /* Bull bar */ // average tick volume const double dv = v / (oi - li + hi - li + hi - ci + 1.0); // [open --> low] for (int pri = oi; pri >= li; pri--) volumes[pri] += dv; // (low ++> high] for (int pri = li + 1; pri <= hi; pri++) volumes[pri] += dv; // (high --> close] for (int pri = hi - 1; pri >= ci; pri--) volumes[pri] += dv; } else { /* Bear bar */ // average tick volume const double dv = v / (hi - oi + hi - li + ci - li + 1.0); // [open ++> high] for (int pri = oi; pri <= hi; pri++) volumes[pri] += dv; // (high --> low] for (int pri = hi - 1; pri >= li; pri--) volumes[pri] += dv; // (low ++> close] for (int pri = li + 1; pri <= ci; pri++) volumes[pri] += dv; } } else if (bar_ticks == VP_BAR_TICKS_HIGH) { volumes[hi] += v; } else if (bar_ticks == VP_BAR_TICKS_LOW) { volumes[li] += v; } else if (bar_ticks == VP_BAR_TICKS_CLOSE) { const int ci = price_to_points(rate.close) - low_index; volumes[ci] += v; } else if (bar_ticks == VP_BAR_TICKS_UNIFORM) { const double dv = v / n; for (int pri = li; pri <= hi; ++pri) volumes[pri] += dv; } else if (bar_ticks == VP_BAR_TICKS_PRESENCE) { const double dv = 1; for (int pri = li; pri <= hi; ++pri) volumes[pri] += dv; } else if (bar_ticks == VP_BAR_TICKS_TRIANGULAR) { // Число шагов восхождения, нисхождения. const int n1 = n / 2; const int n2 = n - n1; // шаг объёма как общий объём / площадь const int s1 = (1 + n1) * n1 / 2; const int s2 = (1 + n2) * n2 / 2; const int s = s1 + s2; const double dv = v / s; // первая половина треугольника for (int j = 0; j < n1; ++j) volumes[li + j] += dv * (j + 1); // вторая половина треугольника for (int j = n1; j < n; ++j) volumes[li + j] += dv * (n - j); } else if ((bar_ticks == VP_BAR_TICKS_PARABOLIC) || (bar_ticks == VP_BAR_TICKS_QUARTIC)) { /* Предварительно рассчитать для случая единичной высоты и затем с масштабом добавить к общей гистограмме. */ { const double c = (n - 1.0) / 2.0; const double c1sq = _math.sqr(1.0 + c); // площадь double val; double sq = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { val = 1.0 - _math.sqr(j - c) / c1sq; if (bar_ticks == VP_BAR_TICKS_QUARTIC) val = val * val; tmp_hg[j] = val; sq += val; } const double k = v / sq; for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) volumes[li + j] += tmp_hg[j] * k; } } else { _ONCE(_debug.warning("Not implemented ENUM_VP_BAR_TICKS: " + EnumToString(bar_ticks))); return(0); } } } return(hg_size); } // Get the time of the first available data datetime get_horizon() const { #ifndef __MQL4__ if (data_.source == VP_SOURCE_TICKS) { MqlTick ticks[]; const int tick_count = CopyTicks(_Symbol, ticks, COPY_TICKS_ALL, 1, 1); // If there is no data, return current time + 1 second if (tick_count <= 0) return(TimeCurrent() + 1); return(ticks[0].time); } #endif CBSeries data_ser(_Symbol, data_.period); return(data_ser.time(data_ser.bars_count() - 1)); } void smooth_hg(const int depth, CVPHistogram &hg) const { smooth_hg(depth, hg.point, hg.low_price, hg.volumes); } // Smooth histogram step by step. // There is a faster version of the same algorithm based on the sum of the columns of the Pascal's // pyramid, but it requires working with very large numbers outside the standard data types. // The function leaves zero tails, but they will be truncated when displayed. void smooth_hg(const int depth, const double hg_point, double &low_price, double &volumes[]) const { if (depth <= 0) return; const int hg_size = ArraySize(volumes); // copy and expand hg with zeroes on both sides int new_hg_size; double hg_prev[]; double hg_next[]; { new_hg_size = hg_size + 2 * (depth + 1); _arr.resize_fill(hg_prev, new_hg_size, 0.0); _arr.resize_fill(hg_next, new_hg_size, 0.0); } // step by step averaging { ArrayCopy(hg_prev, volumes, depth + 1, 0); // It is necessary to divide by 3 (average) instead of summing up at each step because of the probability of overflow. // This constant is for speed. const double one_third = 1.0 / 3.0; for (int d = 1; d <= depth; d++) { for (int i = depth + 1 - d, last = depth + 1 + hg_size - 1 + d; i <= last; i++) hg_next[i] = (hg_prev[i - 1] + hg_prev[i] + hg_prev[i + 1]) * one_third; ArrayCopy(hg_prev, hg_next); } } low_price -= hg_point * (depth + 1); _arr.clone(volumes, hg_prev); } // Индексы квантилей в гистограмме. Смещаются к центру, что может приводить к небольшим искажениям. int quantiles_indexes(const double &data[], int &q_indexes[]) const { ArrayResize(q_indexes, quantiles_count_); for (int i = 0; i < quantiles_count_; ++i) { const double probe = quantiles_[i]; const double pos = quantile_pos(data, probe); if (pos == -1) q_indexes[i] = -1; else if (probe > 0.5) q_indexes[i] = (int)floor(pos); else // if (probe <= 0.5) q_indexes[i] = (int)ceil(pos); } return(quantiles_count_); } // Найти позицию квантиля. // Может находиться между элементами, метод округления выбирается вызывающей стороной. // Это упрощённый и адаптированный метод, использовать только с VP и подобными данными. // Для пустого массива вернётся -1. double quantile_pos(const double &data[], double probe) const { const int n = ArraySize(data); if (probe <= 0) return(-0.5); if (probe >= 1) return(n - 0.5); const double sum = _math.sum(data, 0, n); const double stop_sum_f = sum * probe; // forward double index_f = -1; double cum_sum_f = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { cum_sum_f += data[i]; if (cum_sum_f == stop_sum_f) { index_f = i + 0.5; break; } if (cum_sum_f > stop_sum_f) { index_f = i - 0.5; break; } } if (index_f == -1) return(-1); const double stop_sum_b = sum * (1.0 - probe); double index_b = -1; double cum_sum_b = 0; // backward for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { cum_sum_b += data[n - 1 - i]; if (cum_sum_b == stop_sum_b) { index_b = i + 0.5; break; } if (cum_sum_b > stop_sum_b) { index_b = i - 0.5; break; } } if (index_b == -1) return(-1); index_b = n - 1 - index_b; return((index_f + index_b) / 2.0); } protected: int price_to_points(const double price) const { return((int)(price * point_inverse_ + 0.5)); } double points_to_price(const int points) const { return(points * point_); } };